Paladin understands and values the importance of a biodiverse environment, and monitors flora and fauna within the LHM mining lease areas. Wildlife frequenting the LHM mining lease areas include springbok, oryx, zebras, ostriches, jackals, guinea fowl and the occasional brown hyena and giraffe. Perimeter fences are in place and maintained to ensure the animals protection, and prevent their entry into the plant and tailings storage facilities.
The key biodiversity aspects for Paladin’s operations are water, air, flora, fauna, land use and rehabilitation. Extensive baseline studies have been conducted across all locations to determine land use and biodiversity, ecological, social and cultural heritage values for any areas proposed for activity. Potential impacts are assessed, and environmental management plans and monitoring programmes are established to minimise impacts on biodiversity.
The LHM has a Biodiversity Management Plan with associated programmes and procedures in place to address and manage potential impacts. The LHM Mining Lease Area is considered a protected area, being located within the Namib-Naukluft National Park. During FY2024, the LHM continued reporting on environmental incidents (e.g., death or relocation of fauna or illegal removal and destruction of flora). No incidents of unauthorised removal of fauna and flora were reported during this reporting period. All new employees, contractors and visitors receive site induction training including reporting of environmental incidents, induction in the Park Permit regulation and conditions, and site visitor checks are conducted upon leaving site.