Business Ethics and Transparency
At Paladin, one of our four core values is integrity. Our Code of Conduct guides how we uphold our value of integrity. The Code requires Paladin’s officers, employees and Board to observe the highest standards of business and personal ethics while carrying out their duties and responsibilities.
Paladin is committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations in the countries where we operate, and we conduct our business in line with the highest ethical standards and absolute integrity. Our framework of compliance with legislative requirements, government policies and our internal policies ensures that our standards are encompassed in all our business dealings and practices globally. Paladin exercises zero tolerance for corruption and bribery in any situation it may arise in.
The LHM and Canada operate under the same Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. The AntiBribery and Corruption Compliance Policy provides practical advice on ethical business conduct for the subsidiary Board of Directors, employees and third parties. In addition, the Company’s Whistleblower Policy and procedure facilitates disclosure of any alleged corruption.
There were no reported incidents of corrupt Human Resources Practices, Human Rights Violations Practices, Human Resources or Anti-Bribery and Corruption Grievances raised by any employee during FY2024.